Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

Penyakit Hati

Penyakit. Apa sih definisi dari penyakit? Dari yang pernah gue rasain, penyakit itu sesuatu yang ngga mengenakan, bikin diri kita terganggu.
Berarti penyakit hati adalah sesuatu yang ga mengenakan dalam hati kita.
Yang pengen gue ceritain bukan liver ya soalnya gue bukan dokter. Ntar kalo gue ngasih tips terus salah kan gaswat hehehe bisa diprotes gue sama satu pasukan (loh?) oke ga segitunya.

Penyakit hati yang mau gue ceritain itu penyakit psikologis. Misalnya: Iri, dengki, egois, temperamental, sombong, depresi, broken heart, bahkan galaw hehe.
kalo semua penyakit itu udah diatas ambang kewajaran bisa bahaya itu.
Kalo yang ngerasa dirinya egois ya cepetlah diubah. harusnya kalian tuh yang nyadar sendiri kalo kalian egois, sebelum orang lain berkomentar yg lebih sakit.

Kalo yang tukang iri nih yaa, iri boleh tapi jgn berlebihan. Misalnya nih lo iri ama orang karna dia mendekati perfect. Jangan jatohin dia, tapi bangkitin diri lo, yakinin lo bisa nyamain dia bahkan bisa lebih. tapi jangan jadi copycat yaa. being yourself is better than you copy other styles! Jujur aja nih ya salah satu sifat gue ya ini. Tapi setiap hampir 'diatas ambang' gue langsung ngehandle.

Broken heart & galau biasa terjadi kalo ada masalah sama keluarga, pacar, sahabat, dan urusan sekolah. Biasanya kalo kita ga kuat, kita bakal nangis. Kalo kalian pengen nangis, nangis lah. Puas-puasin sampe hati lo lega. Jangan ditahan karna bakal bikin hati lo makin sakit. Tapi jangan keterusan karna itu ga baik. Nangis yang keseringan justru can make you be a weak person. Terimalah itu semua. Selesain masalah dengan kepala dingin. Buat lah hidup lo se enjoy mungkin dan dewasakan sikap lo.

Oke itu aja sih dari gue, gue ga mau ngetik banyak-banyak. pegel oy ngantuk udah malem hehe.

Maaf ya kalo nyampah.
Saya Khadijah Husnul Aulia dari rumah saya mengundurkan diri, selamat malam dan sampai jumpa!

Elevator-David Archuleta

woah oh oh ohhh

I had a dream last night
I didn't know which floor to get off on, heyyyeyy
The doors, they opened on 4 and 5 and 6
And you were gone, all gone

I didn't understand
I didn't wanna know
At least I took a chance
I had to let it go

Elevator goes up
Elevator come down
And you just go with the flow
Until your feet are back on the ground
It's an endless ride
Sometimes it takes you up
Sometimes it tears you down inside
But it's the butterflies
That keep you feeling so alive, so alive
You gotta get back that high

And in my dream last night
The doors they finally shut and I was there, somewhere
Alone in my reality inside an empty box
That's filled with air
But I don't care, noooo

Next time I'll get it right
Next time I'll be okay
I'll have a different dream tonight
Tomorrow's another day

Elevator goes up (elevator goes up)
Elevator come down
And you just go with the flow
Until your feet are back on the ground
It's an endless ride
Sometimes it takes you up
Sometimes it tears you down inside
But it's the butterflies
That keep you feeling so alive, so alive
You gotta get back that high

You'll never know
What you're gonna get
What you don't expect will come and find you
If you laugh or cry
If you run and hide
But it's all right

Elevator goes up
Elevator come down
And you just go with the flow
Until your feet are back on the ground
It's an endless ride
Sometimes it takes you up
Sometimes it tears you down inside
But it's the butterflies
That keep you feeling so alive, so alive
You gotta get back that high

A Thousand Miles-Vanessa Carlton

Making my way downtown

Walking fast

Faces passed

And I'm home bound
Staring blankly ahead

Just making my way

Making my way

Through the crowd

And I need you

And I miss you

And now I wonder....

If I could fall

Into the sky

Do you think time

Would pass me by

'Cause you know I'd walk

A thousand miles

If I could

Just see you


It's always times like these

When I think of you

And I wonder

If you ever

Think of me

'Cause everything's so wrong

And I don't belong

Living in your

Precious memories

'Cause I need you

And I miss you

And now I wonder....

If I could fall

Into the sky

Do you think time

Would pass me by

'Cause you know I'd walk

A thousand miles

If I could

Just see you


And I, I

Don't want to let you know

I, I

Drown in your memory

I, I

Don't want to let this go

I, I


Making my way downtown

Walking fast

Faces passed

And I'm home bound

Staring blankly ahead

Just making my way

Making my way

Through the crowd

And I still need you

And I still miss you

And now I wonder....

If I could fall

Into the sky

Do you think time

Would pass us by

'Cause you know I'd walk

A thousand miles

If I could

Just see you...

If I could fall

Into the sky

Do you think time

Would pass me by

'Cause you know I'd walk

A thousand miles

If I could

Just see you

If I could

Just hold you
